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Feb 28, 2022

You’ve decided to buy a new car and are looking for a new Toyota. Congratulations! But how do you determine which one is right for you? With an extensive lineup of models, it may be tough to decide. A variety of models means you have plenty of options, but what should you look for when narrowing down these Toyota new vehicle options?

When deciding, first determine what your lifestyle needs are. The model that is right for you will best fit these needs. Not everyone prioritizes the same features, so each individual will have different requirements for their next vehicle. Look for a model that has features that best align with these needs. Below are helpful questions to consider when choosing your Toyota new vehicle.

Young man in blue shirt playing with red toy car.

1. What Did I Like or Dislike About My Previous Vehicle?

Previous experience is often the best factor in determining what works for your lifestyle. Chances are, you had features in your last vehicle that worked well and that you would like to keep. Conversely, there were probably modifications you wish you could have made.

What worked about your previous car? What didn’t? Did you need more trunk space for storage? Additional seating? Better mileage? Do you live in a city and want a more compact car for more convenient commuting? Are you looking for a vehicle with 4-wheel drive that can better fit your active lifestyle? Does it snow or rain where you live? Do you need a vehicle that can handle inclement weather?

Asking yourself these questions will you help narrow down which features are must-haves for your next vehicle and which ones are less of a priority. Look for a Toyota model that accommodates these needs.

Black Toyota Highlander

2. What Type of Vehicle Do I Prefer?

Toyota manufactures a variety of vehicles, including cars, minivans, trucks, crossovers, SUVS, as well as a lineup of hybrid models. When deciding which Toyota new vehicle to purchase, determine how you plan on using your vehicle and which model will allow you to best utilize it.

If you regularly drive long distances, your priority may be better mileage. If this is the case, you may want to buy a sedan or even a hybrid car. If you use your vehicle for work and carry a lot of equipment, you may want to focus on cargo space, and a truck, van, or SUV may be a better fit. Will your car be a recreational vehicle for camping or road trips? Will it be a family vehicle needing to carry a lot of passengers? Are you concerned about your vehicle’s environmental impact and prefer hybrid? Do you prefer hybrid but also plan on driving on rough terrain? If so, you may want to look into a Highlander Hybrid or RAV4 Hybrid.

A variety of factors will determine which model is the right fit. Your lifestyle, life stage, hobbies, work, and location will affect which model you choose.

Front of Beaverton Toyota building with new Toyotas parked in front.

3. What Is My Budget?

Another important question to ask is what you’re comfortable spending on a new vehicle. Once you have looked at your finances, come up with a budget that you are comfortable with. This will help you choose a vehicle that you can afford, avoiding models or features that are outside your budget. Most buyers have features that are a top priority as well as features that are preferred but not necessary. Your budget will allow you to assess whether your wish list is affordable or if it will break the bank.

You will also want to look at what financing options are available and what sort of interest rates you can afford. A new car should be a new lease on life, not a financial burden.

Beaverton Toyota apply for financing screen on computer with Toyota vehicles in the background.

4. Will My Circumstances Change in the Future?

If you are buying a new car, then you will want it to last a long time. You will also want it to properly suit your needs for many years to come. It’s important to consider your current life stage as well as any foreseeable plans in the future.

Will they remain more or less the same, or do you have plans that will change your circumstances in the near future? This could be a new job or plans to start a family and have kids. Or maybe your kids are growing older and you no longer need a family-style vehicle. Choose a model that fits both current and future needs so you can get maximum usage out of your new vehicle.

If you are expecting major life changes and a vehicle switch in the near future, leasing a new Toyota might be a great option too.

Green Beaverton Toyota CLEAR Care sign.

5. Am I Satisfied With the Test Drive?

Once you have selected a vehicle or two that interests you, take them for a test drive. It’s hard to know how a car handles and whether you like its features until you test it out. This is especially true if you are trying to decide between a couple of models. A simple test drive can help you know which option you enjoy driving more and how the features work. Seeing the vehicle in person will help you better understand the details, such as size and if it is spacious enough for your needs.

It’s also a good opportunity to ask questions and get support from a sales associate. If you are uncertain which features are best for your needs, they can help guide you in the right direction. Researching beforehand is great, but it helps to visit a dealership when making the final selection.

If you are ready to begin your search for your new Toyota, visit us at Beaverton Toyota. We offer the CLEAR Purchase Experience, and it’s a great way to buy a vehicle. We are dedicated to serving our community by providing complete access to everything you need in order to make the best decision. We always post the best price both online and in-store and are focused on providing quality service during the buying process as well as premium after-sale care. Visit us online or at our dealership, and explore all our new models so you can find the one that best fits you.